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We have gone cashless
Sorry we will not be accepting coins or bank notes on site. We accept all major credit cards and contactless payments.
These opening times are subject to change.
All school holidays, bank holidays from May up to the end of August
7 Days a Week – 10am to 5pm
September & October
Only open at Weekends, except if an event is runnning.
10am to 5pm
October & Halloween
Open 7 Days a Week – 10am to 5pm
November & December
(Closed except for the Father Christmas Experience Bookings & Members)
Only open at Weekends
10am to 5pm
Weekends only
10am to 5pm
Unless school holidays
then we are open weekdays as normal
After February Half Term up to the Easter Holidays
Only open Weekends
10am to 5pm
Had such an amazing time at Marsh Farms Bubble & Bop festival! My children are 5 & 3 & they absolutely loved it, it gave them abit of
Georgina – 8 out of 10 mums
I went to the pumpkin village with my girlfriend for Halloween. It was so good! Lots of staff who were super helpful, covid guidance signs everywhere. I felt completely safe and comfortable and my girlfriend had a great time.
Darren – Trip Advisor